

Physics 243A, 2016--Surface and Interface Physics of Materials/

Electron and X-Ray Spectroscopies


Chuck Fadley

Department of Physics, University of California Davis


Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The 2016 243A Team

--General Announcements--

Course Announcement/Syllabus for 2016

Office hours:

TA: Galina Malovichko- 2:00-3:00 PM, Mondays, Physics 416

Instructor: Chuck Fadley, 2:30-3:30, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Physics 241 (others by special appointment)

Class consultant: Shih-Chieh Lin- 4:20-5:20, Wednesdays, Physics 221

Hand in problem sets in class, or in secure submission box with class number on it.
The new homework submission boxes are located in the east wing at the first floor north entrance
to the Physics Building – the same hallway where our student computer lab is located (rm 106 Physics)

Details and Instructions for Tour of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Reading and Problem Assignments for 2016--See first slides from lecture sets

--Supplementary Reading--

Zangwill, Physics at Surfaces

Ibach, Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces

Attwood, Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation

Desjonqueres and Spanjaard, STM Current Calculation, Theory of Surface Shapes,
Thermodynamics, and Kinetics

Fadley, Basic Concepts of XPS

Fadley, Newer Review of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Tinkham, Quantum Mechanics of Atoms, the Hartree-Fock Method

Molecular Orbital Basics

Tight-Binding Basics

Hubbard Model Basics

Photoelectron Diffraction-Overview Article

Manual for SESSA electron spectra simulation program

Photoelectron Diffraction Theory/Debye-Waller Factors

XPS, XAS-Core-Hole Configuration-Interaction Multiplets with Charge Transfer--Basic Theory

XPS, XAS-Core-Hole Configuration-Interaction Multiplets with Charge Transfer--Excellent Recent Book

Brief Manual for CTM4XAS20 charge-transfer multiplet simulation program

Brief Introduction to X-ray magnetic circular dichroism-Stohr

Detailed introduction to X-ray magnetic circular and linear dichroism-Stohr and Siegmann

--Problem Sets and Suggested Answers--

Complete Problem Sets for the Course

Suggested Answers to Assignment 1

Suggested Answers to Assignment 2

Suggested Answers to Assignment 3

Suggested Answers to Assignment 4

--Lecture Slide Sets--

Lecture Slide Set 1: Introduction to surfaces and general surface techniques

Lecture Slide Set 2: Surface basics: nomenclature, thermodynamics, kinetics;
x-ray generation,
synchrotron radiation and basic techniques, review of electronic structure

Slides from 2012 in videos assigned to cover missed lectures

Lecture Slide Set 3: Basics of Measurements, three-step model of photoemission

Lecture Slide Set 4: Final-state effects in spectra, ambient pressure PS,
photoelectron microscopy, valence-band photoemission

Lecture Slide Set 5: Core-level shifts, final-state effects, valence-band spectra

Lecture Slide Set 6: Core-level photoelectron diffraction, EXAFS

Lecture Videos from 2012
Thanks to Catherine Conlon and Slavo Nemšák for technical assistance
In .mp4 format. Left click to view
Coverage in slide sets indicated as Slide Set No.: Slide Range

Lecture 1-Sept. 27--Slide Set 1: Slides 1-32

Lecture 2-Oct. 2-- 1: 33-55

Lecture 3-Oct. 4, Part 1-- 1: 55-63

Lecture 3-Oct. 4, Part 2-- 1: 64-73

Lecture 4-Oct. 9-- Finish 1, 2: 1-14

Lecture 5-Oct. 11-- 2: 15-19

Lecture 6-Oct. 16-- 2: 20-49

Lecture 7-Oct. 18-- 2: 50-52

Lecture 8-Oct. 23-- 2: 53-78

Lecture 9-Oct. 25-- Finish 2, 3: 1-9

Lecture 10-Oct. 30-- 3: 9-40

Lecture 11-Nov. 1-- 3: 40-56

Nov. 6 and 8--Midterm and missed lecture

Lecture 12-Nov. 13-- 3: 57-85

Lecture 13-Nov. 15-- Finish 3, 4: 1-3

Lecture 14-Nov. 20-- 4: 4-39

Lecture 15-Nov. 20--Makeup lecture, Finish 4

Nov. 22--Thanksgiving Holiday

Lecture 16-Nov. 27-- 5: 1-10

Lecture 17-Nov. 29-- 5: 11-64

Lecture 18-Dec. 4-- Finish 5, 6: 1-19

Lecture 19-Dec. 6--Finish 6

--Prior Examinations--

Prior Midterm Exam

Prior Final Exam

--Current Examinations--

Midterm Exam--With suggested answer

Final Exam--With suggested answers